It’s VERA here, lounging on the saddle pads. And LC, my more adventurous counterpart, is perched on a saddle rack, paws neatly tucked, watching the day unfold.
We watch the saddles, each one so different, so personal. There’s the traditional English saddle, all sleek and polished, and then there’s the western one with its sturdy horn—LC likes to swat at it when she’s feeling mischievous. And then there’s the adaptive equipment! Brightly colored reins and straps of every length and texture. To us, they’re puzzle pieces, each one fitting together to help the participants ride. They smell of leather, sweat, and sometimes the faint sweetness of saddle cleaner.
The saddle cleaning. It’s a scent we adore—though we’re careful not to get too close when the volunteers are cleaning. They sit on little stools, brushes in hand, scrubbing away at bridles and reins, chatting softly about their day. We like to observe from our hiding spots, peeking out when no one is looking. It’s a meditative ritual, really—the way they care for the tack, ensuring every piece is spotless and ready for its next use.
And then, the participants! LC loves to sit near the doorway as they come in, her tail flicking in time with their laughter and footsteps.
The volunteers are special too. They’re always bustling in and out, hanging saddles just so, arranging blankets in neat piles, and chatting with one another. Some stop to give us a scratch behind the ears, while others laugh as we twine around their legs, pretending we’re starved for attention (we’re not, of course—but we enjoy the game).
And then, there are the moments in the tack room after the lessons are done. The air is still, except for the hum of the barn and the soft whinny of a horse outside. LC and I take our time exploring. We sniff the brushes, bat at a stray girth strap, and marvel at the assortment of colors and textures that make this place so vibrant.
Every day here is an adventure. The tack room, with its endless smells and stories, is our happy place. But it’s the people and the horses—the life of the barn—that make it truly special. From our perch, we see it all: the love, the care, the dedication. And maybe, just maybe, we help a little too, even if it’s just by reminding everyone to stop and enjoy the simple joy of a purring cat in the tack room.