Friends Of The Herd

Become a Friend of the Herd today!

Your support of a High Hopes horse helps us keep a special member of our herd, happy, healthy, and with everything they need to excel in our therapeutic program.

With a contribution of $600 or more, which may be paid quarterly ($150/quarter) or monthly ($50/month), you will receive the following benefits:

  • Your name will be listed on your friend’s stall door, showing your support to all who come through our barn doors!
  • You will receive a special surprise in the mail from our herd on your birthday.
  • You will receive an invitation to Horse Show Days in the spring – you may even be asked to be a ribbon presenter!
  • You will be signed up to receive our News From the Barn email for updates on our herd and on High Hopes.
  • You will receive a few extra special e-communications throughout the year, just for Friends of the Herd program supporters!
  • You are welcome to visit your friend throughout the year! Just give us a call to schedule.

*NOTE: Occasionally, a horse may retire from program. If this occurs, we will contact the Friend to select another available member of our herd.

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Meet the Herd

Get to know all of our beautiful and intelligent horses who live for their work. These amazing creatures have been working wonders for years.

Our Horses

Supporting High Hopes

Your contribution will support our riding program and ensure the ongoing sustainability of our operations, including care of our horses and scholarship support to financially disadvantaged participants.


A Place to Heal, Learn & Make Friends

Equine assisted activities and therapies may be therapeutic if a participant derives benefit, shows improvement or feels better once engaged.

Our Programs

Leading Riders to Results

As a charitable nonprofit organization, High Hopes is governed by a 17-member all-volunteer Board of Trustees, and managed by a professional staff of 25 paid employees, of whom 12 are full-time. The staff is augmented by over 652 active volunteers who further support our daily operations.

Our Team

Accreditation Partners

Equus Foundation
PATH International
Charity Navigator

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