Board Papers, Meeting Materials and Minutes, Trustees

Board Meeting Minutes – January 2021

January 20, 2021

Board Meeting, via Zoom

Board Members Present: Barbara Willkens, Debbie Welles, Mac Mummert, Gary Rogers, Hannah Childs,
Jackie Kangley, Jane Bolles, Jeff Ridgway, John Catlett, Mark Fader, Nancy Bulkeley, Peter Watt,
Robin Schonberger, Sarah Canning, Sarah Keenan, Scott Douglas, Gregory Varga, Vicki Newton

Excused Absence: Todd Machnik

Directors Present: Kitty Stalsburg, Lesley Olsen, Sara Qua, Holly Sundmacker, Sarah Miller

Chair- J. Kangley

Meeting called to order, check in of those present.

Motion to approve Consent Agenda and Committee Minutes, Approved by unanimous consent.

Reading of Mission Statement Virtual Meeting etiquette review

Chair Update, J. Kangley

• Scheduling another informal get together for Board in March after last successful zoom
gathering in December.

• Working with Kitty to provide Virtual Tour of Program in Progress, creating current
experience of programs in session.

• Thank you for committee work, postcard appeal for Fall. Please donate what is comfortable w/
100% board participation.

Executive Director Report, K. Stalsburg

• Shout out to B. Willkens and R. Schonberger for work on June Gala.

• Operations @ 50-60% capacity due in part to lack of school participation in a.m. and
participant reluctance to return at this time.

• Camp planning for summer with approval process from Dept of Health and Agr.

Organizational resilience to be celebrated as High Hopes has maintained financial stability and
positioning through fundraising, grants, scholarship fund, and PPE loan; all have made a difference
as well as loyalist response. Committees have been engaged and looking at options going forward.
Communications remain strong and transparent and expense management has been strong.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, J. Catlett

• DEI will be discussed at each board meeting to maintain energy and motivation.

• Action plan was determined with help of Jamal.

• Expansion of DEI team to include V. Newton and N. Bulkeley.

• Thought Partners will continue to help with process.

• GuideStar recommends maintaining demographic information

• Survey coming to Board for completion.

• Discussion in Governance Committee around bringing in committee members to eventually move on
to board.

• DEI team to continue gathering resources.

• Points brought up by S. Douglas regarding diversity process – and need to move ahead without
overdoing learning process. Suggestions included approaching our community to become more involved
in HH via committees. It’s about people meeting people. Ensuing discussion of issues involved in
the process.

Governance Report, S. Canning

• Review of terms

o D. Welles and B. Willkens – 3 Terms

o J. Catlett and J. Kangley – 2 Terms

o G. Rogers and G. Varga. – 1 Term

• New member identified – N. Yonker.

Finance and Treasurer’s Report

L. Olsen.

• Reaching out to new constituents.

• Dashboard

o Payments at minimum.

o Portfolio over 6 million.

o Review of PTP loan status.

S. Douglas

• Down $90 k end of December.

• Financial perspective in very solid shape, add to that Gala revenue and year will be very

• Flexibility will need to be exercised as the budget will reflect what HH will become over the
next several years.

Development Report

P. Watt

• January meeting went extremely well.

• Extraordinary positioning, great year, annual appeal 14k ahead of last year.

• Holiday Market and use of Social Media responsible to continued success of revenue.

• Takeaway – Market next year will hopefully be IRL but Social Media will continue to be large
part of its success.

S. Qua

• New grant received $5K – have met Restricted Operating goal for year.

• Spring appeal in late February with shout outs to Over and Above, Julia Balfour, Trudy and
Carrie for their contributions.

• Corporate campaign for the June Gala to start this week.

J. Ridgway

• Hoping for 100% Board participation in annual appeal.

• Matching Challenge for Spring in annual appeal.

• What car this year?

HRAC, M. Mummert

• Status quo – no employee news.

Grounds, H. Sundmacker

LED project will be underway soon.

o 4 week installation.

o 80% cost saving.

General Business

• M. Mummert questioned available vaccination potential for staff. Kitty has been in contact
with Dept. and hasn’t heard back yet.

• Kitty shared that Roger Smith will receive Citizen Award. Caravan of those interested are to
convene at 10:45 Monday at Noyes Library.

Meeting Adjourned 6:15

Vicki Newton, Secretary


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