Partners, Policies & Procedures, Staff, Trustees

High Hopes Gift Acceptance Policy

High Hopes Therapeutic Riding Inc., actively solicits and accepts gifts, grants, and sponsorships that further the mission of the organization and that support its core programs, as well as special programs.

The purpose of this gift acceptance policy is to govern the acceptance of both cash, securities and in-kind gifts and to provide guidance to donors and their professional advisors in completing gifts.

When considering whether to solicit or accept gifts of any kind, the organization will consider the following:

  • Values – whether the acceptance of the gift compromises any of the core values of High Hopes
  • Compatibility – whether there is compatibility between the intent of the donor and the organization’s use of the gift
  • Public Relationships – whether acceptance of the gift would damage the reputation of High Hopes
  • Primary Benefit – whether the primary benefit is to High Hopes, versus the donor
  • Consistency – is acceptance of the gift consistent with prior practice?
  • Form of Gift – is the gift offered in a form that High Hopes can use without incurring substantial expense or difficulty?
  • Effect on Future Giving – will the gift encourage or discourage future gifts?

All decisions to solicit and/or accept gifts that fall outside the parameters outlined above will be made by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Executive Director.  The primary consideration will be the impact of the gift on the organization.

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