Board Papers, Meeting Materials and Minutes, Trustees

Board Meeting Minutes – June 2021

High Hopes Therapeutic Riding
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 23, 2021 ZOOM Meeting and In person – Hosted by High Hopes

Meeting called to order at 5:00 PM.
Members Present: J. Kangley, S. Douglas, J. Ridgway, D. Welles, J. Bolles, J. Catlett, S. Hill-Canning, M. Fader, S. Keenan, M. Mummert, V. Newton, G. Rogers, R. Schonberger, G. Varga,
P. Watt, B. Willkens; N. Bulkely

Guest: M. Wacs, N. Yonker

Staff: K. Stalsburg, L. Olsen, S. Miller, C. Bourn, S. Qua

Absent Excused: H. Childs, J. Bolles, T. Machnik

Chair Update:
J. Kangley welcomed attendees and guests.

Motion: To approve the consent agenda and committee minutes previously submitted. Approved.

J. Kangley indicated that this is the annual meeting of the Board which is an opportunity to celebrate the organizational successes over the past year. In particular, an opportunity to recognize individuals via an awards ceremony. This is our first blended meeting in over a year.

The Lytt Gould Leadership Award was presented to Nancy and Rives Potts in recognition of their many years of dedicated support to High Hopes is a myriad of ways. Jackie read a note of acceptance and gratitude from Nancy and Rives who were unable to attend. The Sally Aubrey Award was given to John Catlett in recognition for his many years of service on the Board, as Board and Committee Chairs as well as leadership in Strategic Planning and the Endowment Campaign.

Governance Report: S. Hill-Canning reported on Governance. Sarah recognized outgoing officer, Jackie Kangley, as Chair and outgoing Trustees Barbara Willkens and Deb Welles. Both outgoing Trustees were recognized for their years of commitment to High Hopes. The Slate for the Class of 2024 was presented and approved at the April Board Meeting. Sarah welcomed new Trustees, M. Wacs and N. Yonker.

The Officers for 20-21 were acknowledged:
Officer Slate 2021-2022
Chair – Mac Mummert
Vice Chair – Vicki Newton
Vice Chair of Development – Peter Watt
Secretary – Nancy Bulkely
Treasurer – Scott Douglas
Outgoing Chair, Jackie Kangley passes the gavel to new Board Chair, Mac. Mummert who welcomes new Trustees.

Motion: To appoint Jackie Kangley as member at large to the Executive Committee. Approved

Motion: To approve the Standing Committee Chairs: Peter Watt – Vice Chair of Development; Scott Douglas – Chair of Finance; Sarah Hill Canning – Chair of Governance. Approved

Executive Director Report: K. Stalsburg acknowledged the staff for their hard work and flexibility over the past year. Staff reports include yearend highlights presented as progress in the current Strategic Plan.
Increased flexibility and adaptability
Rapid response to COVID
Development of Memory Care Services
Expansion of Reins of Empowerment
Collaborative Partnerships – VETS; Safe Futures; SARAH Inc; Montville Transitional Academy; ARC; Schools: Guilford; Region 18; New London
Mental Health Services
Participant Survey results
GAS participation

Volunteer Highlights:
Virtual Training options
In person changes – smaller, more segmented training
Single staff member role currently will change with increasing demand
Automated updates, Salesforce changes; URL Code for attendance
Wait list for volunteering
Still a shortage of horse handlers

Training and Education:
Pivot to virtual
Change in offerings
Sale of Reading Reins
Increased mentoring options

Secured 2 PPP Loans, one forgiven
Portfolio Growth
Efficient Invoicing, changes in payment types

Event – Virtual Holiday Market and Raffle; BBT – hurray!
Collaboration with Corporate Partners
Fundraising highlights – successful grant year; Appeal, Social campaign and match; Legacy and endowment gifts

Facility and Equine:
LED Conversion Completed
Expense Management
Herd reduction in size
Health Management

DEI Work and Action Plan
Succession Plans
Staff Accomplishments- Virtual workshops, Awards, Certifications, PATH Articles, Podcasts, Committee work

Treasurer’s Report: S. Douglas reported that the success this year is due to the organizations flexibility and the staff’s ability to respond quickly to changes in the business environment. Current Finance Metrics as of 6/23/21
Portfolio – $6,540,066
Accounts Receivable – $3,347.
Accounts Payable – $13,554
Cash in Hand – $528,161

Overall we are in a very strong financial position. Two PPP Loans were obtained, strong market growth, efficient billing, strong fundraising and expense control have all contributed to this. While the budget was approved in April, there are some expected changes with increased services and the need for additional staff. Expenses will be offset by revenue projections.

Development Report: P. Watt and S Qua provided an update on Development activities. Kudos and appreciation for the leadership of the Big Barn Tailgate. The Event Chairs, B. Willkens and R. Schonberger were instrumental in the success of this event. Final numbers are still pending but projections are strong for this event coming in well over budget. Many thanks to the entire Development Team and Event Manager, T. Burgess who worked diligently to run a successful, new event. Additional discussion regarding the event will take place at the AAR next week. The next event is the Holiday Market which will be in person again with an on line component. Leadership for this event was discussed and Trustees, J. Ridgway, B. Willkens and N. Yonker stepped forward to Chair. June is Leave a Legacy Month. We anticipate hosting a cultivation event in the fall. K. Stalsburg presented Development Director, Sara Qua with flowers in recognition for a successful fundraising year that exceeded expectations. She also shared that Sara will be retiring from High Hopes in the fall and thanked her for the 16 years of tenure which have built a successful Development program for High Hopes. She will be leaving High Hopes in a position of sustainable strength.

Other Business:
K. Stalsburg advised the next Board Meeting is scheduled for September 29, 2021. The proposed meeting dates for 21-22 have been distributed. Please consider the meeting format and time. Agenda ideas are welcome. Board Goals for 21-22 will likely include the initiation of our next Strategic Plan; Donor Cultivation and Development stabilization and additional actions toward our DEI initiatives.

Meeting adjourned at 6:03 PM
Guest Speaker: Pat Kelly of Ebony Horsewoman spoke about her program in Hartford, CT.

Kitty Stalsburg
Secretary pro tem

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